You’ve spent time and money getting that great, branded signage above the door. Your store or restaurant, bar or café now stands out from the crowd.
But are you missing a little trick here?
The windows of most retail premises, offices and hospitality outlets are the perfect place to have some amazing signage. It says more about your business to passing customers. The great news is there are a lot of different options nowadays.
Way back in the past, businesses needed to get a professional sign writer in to physically create the signage in window spaces. This tended to be something eye-catching to attract passing customers. If you were a pub restaurant it might be an elegantly written menu or list of drinks you have for sale inside. If you are a shop, you might want to list all the different brands you have on rails. Or your latest special offer!
Of course, if someone was going to be writing and designing the display in your window, you’d need someone with a lot of talent. Fortunately, in the last couple of decades digitally produced signage has made a big difference and is certainly a lot cheaper.
Types of Window Signage
Today many businesses use digitally printed signage that can easily be installed and removed as and when needed.
For example, you can get digitally printed vinyl, frosted windows with your logo or business name ‘engraved’ into it and semi-transparent designs that allow customers to see inside and out. These simply have to be positioned properly and use a variety of different materials to stick to the glass which also gives more flexibility.
It’s important to look closely at your window space and think about what sort of messages you can put there. Do you want to simply create a feeling or provide more informative content? You may want something simple like opening times. Or maybe you want to hook into something that is happening in the local community/a national event.
You may want a large logo in your window that people instantly recognise. Lots of big businesses do this and it can make them highly visible to passing customers.
Great Signage Design
Perhaps you’re a restaurant and you have a menu that changes regularly. If so, you want to be able to remove one piece of signage easily and put up something new. Or maybe you’ve got a season like Christmas coming up and you want to make your shop look more festive. You could be a shop selling chocolates and want a valentine display or a hotel that wants to show everyone it has an onsite spa.
The great thing about window signage is that it’s flexible and relatively low cost. Graphics can be big or small depending on what you want to achieve for your business. Whether you want something permanent or a design you can change, there’s a window signage solution to meet almost any need.
Great signage design takes thought and expertise. If you have some windows that are not pulling their weight, talk to the team at Technical Signs. We’ll help you decide how to make these windows work hard for your business.
For more signage tips check out our latest blog post on the website: Are You Reconsidering Your Wayfinding Signage?