Tips for Successful Signage in a Post Lockdown World

Tips for Successful Signage in a Post Lockdown World Blog Image

With the UK lockdown easing across the country, the good news is that we are starting to open up and get back to normal… While some behaviours such as wearing masks and keeping our social distance are likely to remain for the next few months, shops, bars, restaurants and the like are opening, if with some restrictions.

Signage Company UK

Like many businesses around the UK, you may now be thinking about adding a little more signage to make life easier for your customers, whatever sector you are in. Signage is important not simply for giving people information but putting them at ease as well.

Here are our top tips for creating a successful signage strategy in a world after lockdown.

  1. Make it Personal

Buying signs off the shelf may seem like a good idea but they are often pretty generic and can, in certain circumstances give off the wrong message to your customers. You are still going to have a few people coming to your business who are concerned about Covid and who want to know whether they are being put at risk.

Branding your signage and making it clear and, just as importantly, friendly should put visitors at ease and set you apart from the competition.

If you need a sign about people wearing masks, ask your customers politely rather than shouting at them with bold signage and exclamation marks. The tone to set is that ‘we’re all in this together’ and it’s important to show that you are there to help not hinder.

  1. How Your Signage Can Help

Take a walk through your business and look at it from the customer’s point of view. What can you add that will make their journey as easy as it can be?

If you work in retail, for example, you may have moved your stock around, creating more space so that customers won’t bump into each other and can easily maintain social distance. Make your signage clear so they can find everything again.

You may also want to make it easy for them to find sanitation stations or give them instructions for queuing for tills. Bear in mind to keep it as clear and simple as possible.

  1. Show Customers What You Are Doing

This is also a great opportunity to reach out to your customers digitally – especially on social media, by email and on your website. This can help reassure people who are not yet entirely comfortable venturing out in a post-Covid world.

Keep your messaging as well as your signage as uplifting as possible and you’ll be surprised what a difference it will make, especially after a year of lockdown.

  1. Branded Signs

While it can seem cost-effective to go for generic signs, you may well be missing a trick or two if you don’t brand. If you head into any supermarket chain, you’ll see they all have their pandemic signage carefully branded. The good news is that it’s not that expensive to create individual, branded signs for your business.

Consider introducing branding that can also reflect your positive messaging and make people feel more at home when they enter your business. Whatever you need the experienced team at Technical Signs can design, manufacture and install anything you can imagine!

For more signage tips check out our latest blog post on the website: Making the Most of Your Windows with Signage