Standing out from the crowd is vital for any business. While your company may be focused a great deal on digital marketing nowadays, the traditional bricks and mortar free-standing signs solutions are still the most effective way of attracting customers and conveying your brand values.

Free Standing Signs

For attracting local attention, there is nothing more effective than a free-standing sign. They are not only cost-effective but built to last and can have a real impact on visibility and footfall.

These types of signs work for any industry or sector. Whether it is for a hotel, bar, a manufacturer, retail store, local gym, or spa, to name just a few.

The Benefits of Free-Standing Signs

  • Free-standing signs are cost-effective compared to other marketing solutions. You can produce a sign that reflects your brand and acts as a focal point for your business for a relatively small, one-off outlay.
  • The signage can be erected away from your business, particularly important if you are off the main thoroughfare. This would work well, for example, if you were a hotel set back from the road or you are near a motorway and want to attract business.
  • Free-standing signs are built to last and can carry on doing their advertising work for your business for years and years. They require very little maintenance once they are installed.
  • Free-standing signs can also be used in different parts of your business so that customers can find their way. You often see this type of signage in hospitals, for example.
  • There are plenty of options to help your business stand out from the crowd. You can brand your sign, include important information and place it in the most effective location to support our business.
  • Free-standing can be lit at night from above or below or carry lighted signage that makes you visible 24/7.

Types of Free-Standing Sign

There are two main types of free-standing sign:

  • Plate and Post: These are probably the more traditional kinds of signs and usually consist of a couple of posts with a plate across them. The panel can be used to place your company name or direct people to certain locations on your premises. It can be laminated to protect it from the elements and is highly durable. You’ll find this kind of sign around university campuses, large hotels, spas, and hospitals.
  • Totems and Monoliths: These are single structures that act as a centre-point guiding people’s attention to your business. The frames and post-work are concealed by the design and they can be as tall and wide as you like. You’ll often find structures like this in places like industrial estates or shopping centers where they give a list of different stores or businesses and their location. With totems and monoliths, the difference is that you get a lot more design flexibility if you really want to stand out.


Placing Your Free-Standing Sign

The key, once you have settled on the right design, is where to place your free-standing sign. This will vary from business to business and with the physical location. There are no hard and fast rules! You ideally want it as near to your business as possible while still being as highly visible.

For more signage tips check out our previous blog post: What is Vehicle Wrapping and How Can it help your Business?

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