
Directing people to where they need to be – as efficiently as possible

Good wayfinding systems become almost ‘invisible’ in their physical operation. Yes, they have to be prominent and clear, but a carefully designed wayfinding system will flow naturally, always picking up sightlines so people can travel on with the next important part of their journey. People should use them with little concern to the thought and organisational skills that go into them, because they are clear and provide the information they desire right from the outset, delivering them to their ultimate destination with ease.

Pizza Express

The Noke Hotel

Angel Square

Angel Square





Gourmet Burger Kitchen

Waterloo Bar

Noke Hotel

Stable Whitechapel

It’s an odd situation that you only realise just how important they are when things go wrong and bottle-necks or frustration appears within mass traffic-flow environments or in large public spaces and buildings. If people become lost on a regular basis, your wayfinding system needs a thorough review. On the other end of the scale, such systems should not be overly complicated, being designed to be as ‘user friendly’ as possible.

Efficient sign systems are all around us. In Hospitals, Railway Stations, Underground Systems, Airports, Shopping Centres and large public buildings; anywhere that requires clear directional control to various places from a restricted number of entry points, or to direct traffic from wide open spaces and car parks to set locations.

Technical Signs has been fortunate to complete several wayfinding projects for clients and each tends to be designed specifically for individual situations – using a format that will be the easiest to understand for anyone visiting for the first time, new to the location being mapped – or even seasoned visitors who need to find a different site location to normal.

As required, we work to Civil Aviation Authority, Ministry of Transport or National Health Service guidelines, which give the basis of a system to suit multiple building and floor level scenarios with alpha-numeric, name or colour identification channels.

These can then be supported with text, graphics or directional arrows to provide suitable guidance cues, mainly for pedestrians, although also applicable to large campus sites, where road signage and directory displays also become invaluable for vehicular access and control.

We work with a wide range of materials to suit the environment and your budgets, and can even match current display systems to enhance them, or design new ones for you completely from scratch.

New systems are planned extensively from early draft proposals, to walk-through and survey checks with computer visuals or onsite surveys before production even begins, so you can be assured every possible combination of travel has a solution and directional prompt covered.

Whatever your style, our design team will work to the most exacting specifications to satisfy your needs for Wayfinding signage. A free initial consultation with the team at Technical Signs will reveal a company that is not only at the forefront of technical ability and craftsmanship, but when combined with our commitment to customer support, offers possibly the best service available in the industry today.

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