‘Creating an inspiring workspace is all about making sure people stay happy. After all, happy people are profitable people.’ This is a great quote about creating a great workplace environment by Gurvinder Khurana, Director of design agency Align.
Branded Workplace Signage
And it is so true! Inspired, happy environments translate into inspired, happy and productive people. And commercial interiors combined with incredible branded signage can really make that happen. There are a huge array of signage and graphics that can be used to really make a workplace sing!
With so many people spending a lot of time in the workplace it is important that they enjoy their daily environment. If you can imbue your brand values into the signage this will help the workforce stay on-brand throughout the day.
Abandon Boring – Be Bold!
Bright LED lighting or neon signs may have been a no-go area in the past for corporate workplaces. BUT today, brands are celebrated for embracing new ways to engage with their workforce in the workspace. Having quirky fun signs in break or canteen areas has become common. Fairground lighting, bulb letters, lightboxes and projection signs are all things that can be branded well in any corporate office.
Light Up the Office
Did you know you can design the lighting in your commercial space just as easily as the signs and internal structures? Highlighting certain areas of your workplace, for meetings, training or just relaxing hang out or lunch areas can make a huge difference! Especially to the way your team use and feel about the space they come to work in every day. Technical Signs are experts in turning your lighting designs into reality and making real wow statements in any workplace.
Fast and Effective
Many offices have an abundance of glass, they were created this way to let light through the often-large open spaces. But they still ad some separation within that large space. One of the quickest and most effective ways to change the look of your workspace is with vinyl and wallpapers on this glass. It can be created and installed quickly and even be changed on a regular basis. Or custom-made to highlight certain campaigns or offers that the company wants their team to know about and feel part of.
Bespoke Signage
The key to having excellent, inspiring signage in your workspace is to work with a bespoke signage manufacturer, like Technical Signs, that really understands how to make your signage sing! Every workplace is unique as is each brands’ requirements. Once you bring your ideas to the Technical Signs team, just watch as they bring your plans to life! Whether you need lighting, signage, wallpaper and vinyl, architectural metal work or custom creations. The experienced and creative team at Technical Signs can create the exact feel you want in your workspace.
If you liked this post, why not try another? Take a look at our latest blog post; ‘How To Get Ready To Re-Open Your Doors’ to discover more.