2D or not 2D – that is the question!

restaurant custom signs 2D or not 2D – that is the question blog image

The world of signage continually evolves to keep up with the demands of brand and company visibility, and there seems to be an ongoing  debate at the moment in regard to the benefits of 2D versus 3D signage and which is best. If you’re a business looking to stand out, your choice of which to […]

Make Your Office A More Welcoming Environment Using Signage

corporate signs Make Your Office A More Welcoming Environment Using Signage blog image

The stereotypical office environment was once so common that films were even made about the effect that it had on people – and it wasn’t a good one!  Identical cubicles filled with people doing the same repetitive jobs was more than just the stuff of comedy movies.  It was a common sight in offices around […]